/egy/ - Egyptian Anons

.الحياة عامله زي الخيارة، يوم في إيدك و يوم في طيزك

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Look, I understand that Palestinian people are currently suffering but sometimes you just see a bunch of them that completely alters your perception about them. I meet up with this Palestinian girl and she was all high above all , acting like she had the birth right to be bitchy, rude and narcissistic. We became some sort of friends. And she is...I dunno man. I mean she is rich and all, probably generational wealth. Typical AUC student girl apparently. And I'm trying to be nice but the more I observe her. I more I become more disturbed. She is so racist against us Egyptians. Like we are soooo inferior to her (And I get it, in a country that has an  70 IQ average and trash looking places all around ya like sure) but that doesn't give you the right to be a bitchy bimbo against us. Just sitting with her in her car is just tiresome.

And here we reach the envious part of me. See, I'm a guy who lives alone in a small rental flat non furnished, in slum in Egypt, Cairo with no family and a shitty, traumatic past. Working 9-5 as a Telesales agent (Go figure). Minimum Wage kind of Job. Not a graduated guy for a long time (that on its own is another fucked up long story) and I'm in a shitty institute far far away from Cairo. Just being there so I can postpone my military service...that's all

While I'm seeing this girl who lives much MUCH better than me, better than any of us imagining and she is acting with entitlement feels unfair. She got the best clothes, best cars, fucking a lot of dudes and getting in the best college with a major I would kill to get into but.. yeah.

I'm not against education my lads. But I'm really really old enough to realize that. I lost that train. To get some respectable degree even on just some useless paper in a shitty country man.
But I can't have that now. I can hit the ground running without the college in someway else.

Just seeing people having a better life overall rubs me the wrong way. And she is pushing my limits with her behavior ,man. Because of her remarks and shit. If I ever met a Palestinian, I don't think I'm gonna be that nice knowing that he wants to kill me or seeing me as an inferior to em.  

I thought about literally raping this girl just so she can at least have something to cry about in the night. It's evil I know but Goddamn. I'm so envious. I mean they still got their assets in Gaza not blown up to smithereens. They got that Old Money. While you dear Egyptian, are just endlessly suffering under some moral , religious and financial dilemma while also committing to house them under your roof. 

Thank God, she left our country to study in EU. Mainly Berlin I don't really remember. She is fucking some Irish dude rn and yeah all is dandy for her. She realized that this dirty place of ours is no longer a land to stand on.

A dirty place isn't better than some rubble in my opinion but, why it had to be like that man? 

I dunno. I wanna leave too. But with my own shit going on. It's not looking that dandy. and again I'm really conflicted on just that perception of "respecting the Palestinian people". I mean I don't wanna support a jew too. and a bad apple shouldn't affect the rest that much but. I dunno man

If I got a gun and both a jew and a Palestinian are in front of me. tied to a chair, I'd just shoot both. I'm dead serious. I'm tired of this conflict. We need to just fix our own flaming town, man. We already got enough on our own. 

or just leave the dirty town. and let the monkeys fight who owns the rubble

Deciding who is the king of the dirt hill.
>>2469 (OP) 
I understand what you mean. Most of the Palestinians that I’ve dealt with fit that stereotype. Extremely entitled fucks who believe all Arabs, including us, Egyptians, and anyone who speaks Arabic, owe them something, and that we somehow failed to pay. There was even that bitch on twitter a couple of days ago, who fled from a “country” that was getting absolutely rawdogged by kikes, and had the audacity to complain about Egypt not having good internet like Gaza, and was making fun of the Egyptian currency when her own people don’t even have their own currency and use kike shekels.

I also had a Palestinian guy who used to bully me back in highschool. An absolute dirtbag. He used to cheat on all his tests and skip school all the time. Somehow he ended up in a student exchange program, was living in the UK with the family that was hosting him even after the program had ended, now plays football in an amateur club in Poland and resides in the US. I completely forgot about that dirtbag until I saw him on Instagram with this reporter guy called Azaiza something, and I felt really envious.

I think you (we) have every right to feel envious. It’s not that they’re superior to us, and it’s also not just because they’re Palestinians. It’s our circumstances that dictate who we are and who we end up being. Most people have an unrealistic view of Palestinians because of the propaganda we’ve been fed with since we were born.
Replies: >>2474
The thing is, I've never been thinking about delving in that dark cloud of a thought to hurt her. I should've directed that envy and anger towards somethings else. BUT NOPE. She keeps pushing my buttons further and further while I'm here feeling impotent
Replies: >>2476
You don’t necessarily need to act on every single idea you get. Besides, one of the reasons why that Palestinian bitch is where she’s at, aside from money of course, is the undeserved sympathy she gets from almost everyone around her. Because boohoo country occupied, as if every single country on this planet has not been occupied. Not even Iraqis get that treatment.
Raping her, killing her or burning her house is only going to add to that sympathy fuel. You have to let that shit go, dude. Feel what you need to feel and let it go. It’s only natural to feel envy, especially when the people you’re envious of are flesh, skin and bones. Same as you.
Replies: >>2539
مش فاهمك يحب يعني هي واحدة معرصة و كام فلسطيني 
علق و معاملة خرا
>If I ever met a Palestinian, I don't think I'm gonna be that nice knowing that he wants to kill me or seeing me as an inferior to em.  
اقولك مش كام واحد كلهم ولاد وسخة هتفرق فايه اصلا
يعني دول الي هيغيروا رأيك عنهم مثلا؟
حتى لو دلوقتي بتكره كل الفلسطينيين مش فارقة برضك
صدقني لو بتكرههم او بتحبهم دا مش هيغير حاجة احنا شعب غلبان نيك
ملكش حتى انك تعمل حزب كاره للمهاجرين و اللاجئين عشان سيدنا السيسي صلى الله عليه وسلم
>I thought about literally raping this girl just so she can at least have something to cry about in the night.
انت فعلا تقدر و انت حر بس تبقى مسؤول عن النتايج(مش هينفع لانها سافرت برا الشيتهول)
ايوة احنا سايبين خرانا وبنشوف خرا غيرنا دايما بس هتعمل ايه يعني هتغير 90 مليون مثلا عشان نركز على مشاكلنا ونصحى بدري ونشرب اللبن زي الشطار مش منطقية
>or just leave the dirty town. and let the monkeys fight who owns the rubble
ركز على نفسك كل يوم ازاي تطلع برا الشيتهول وجرب حاجة حاجة + لو معرفتش عادي يعني اصلا كدا كدا لما تموت هتنسى  الحوار ابن المتناكة دة سواء وانت في اللاشئ او ماخور ابو عيسى
Trying English.. It's how it should be like. It's the only logical result so don't be disappointed about something that can never happen.
Replies: >>2540
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>>2469 (OP) 
Basically OP ksomk.
I don't have the best life either and probably most of us here don't. But I'm happy with the things I have and actually feel lucky that I didn't grow up spoiled. You, on the other had are behaving like a pathetic seethe.
Replies: >>2503 >>2511 >>2541
Just because you’re happy with your trash life in the slums of egypt doesn’t mean everyone else should feel the same. Also, OP did in fact mention that he was “seething” and wished he had directed his anger somewhere else. Fuck off and kill yourself, faggot.
Replies: >>2542
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People tend to look at the negatives and try to get rid of it, mostly. Looking at the positives that are looking pretty limited and almost non-existent because of how much the negatives are present is hard as fuck, and you'll only look at the bunch of negatives that are suffocating the positives. You can't blame him you retard. It's not as if OP chose to be born here to suffer.

For me, I don't care, I have hope that I'll soon leave this absolute shithole of a country, and even if I couldn't, I'll just have to adapt. Maybe I'll kill myself by then, whatever. But feeling envious when I just can't achieve nor acquire what the person I'm evious of has is pretty impossible for me. How am I going to feel envious when I simple can't do the thing I'm envying on? That's just me.

>>2469 (OP) 
Finally someone who understands and can see the reality. Palestinians are as filthy as Jews. You know, Jews are some obscure organization of some sort who have connections and influence in many countries, mostly western. Rothschild family, a jewish family that pretty much owns billions of Euros in assets and banks spread through the globe. The US cabinet is basically filled with jews, same for the entire government actually. The west is all sucking the jewish dick, especially the governments before all.
Palestinians are just that shady and obscure.
I know a Palestinian girl who is quite wealthy too. I remember when she bought the new Iphone 12 when it was just released, then the Iphone 13 later on when it was also pretty new. Also, based on the pictures of herself that she shares on social media, she seems just that. She lives in Israel, though, and eventually has an Israeli number. She is muslim, despite not covering her hair nor wearing modestly.
How come on earth that a family or a person from the shittiest place on the planet that is competing with Jammu&Kashmir for the top #1 most corrupt fucked up dangerous place on the globe award rise and get out there wealthy, fine, and financially stable? OP, You've got the absolutely rightful justification to be envious of people who are from a semi-country dogshit of a region that is arguably 30x worse than your country, yet managed to achieve and gain things that are 30x better than what 94% of your whole country ever achieved. Of course, it's unbelievable, but it's real.

Palestinians are just as racist and narcisstic towards us as jews in Israel are towards them. They despise us for not helping them, bitch we don't owe you nothing, nor are we obliged to help you. Yet, they actually complain on twitter for seeing a motherfucking church in Egypt, the country to which they fled, like how ironic that you seeked asylum in a country then complain about something in it. Go fuck yourself at this point, it's our country, bitch, we do as we see fit in OUR (Egyptians) country.
I just hate them so much, as well as the Jews. OP, I'm happy that we are on the same page.
Replies: >>2543
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>>2469 (OP) 
how did you meet this girl if she is living so much better than you?
also you should read meditations by marcus aurelius and stop being a low t bitch
Replies: >>2536 >>2544 >>2578
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>tiktok edit
Retarded zoomer detected.
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that was cultivated by literal slaves. Stoic cucks preach that success is an illusion to bring comfort to the oppressed in a world of rigid hierarchies. It’s also one of the worst philosophies one can live by, considering one of its main aristocratic proponents and the most well known, Marcus Aurelius, was an opium addict and a cuckold. The major stoics were actual slaves.
>Low t bitch
You probably don’t even know what the units of measurement for testosterone levels are. Look in the mirror, bitch-tits. Did you hit puberty yet?
Replies: >>2545
> life in the slums of egypt doesn’t mean everyone else should feel the same. Also, OP did in fact mention that he wa

Thanks Anon. I'm gonna try to be as moderate and not to talk to her if somehow she contacted me after she returns here (she has to at somepoint). I'll try to simply avoid her
بجرب اطلع بره الشيتهول و مفكرش اصلا في 
النزاع ده من الأساس. الموضوع يجيب صداع

وانا الصراحة محتاج ثيرابي عشان انا مفرهد من الكلام ده كله
مش عارف اقولك ايه بس يعني. انت بلوومر بضان و مبسوط و شايفني متربي مرفه. قشطة بس انا جاي هنا احكي باللي حاسه

ماشي يعم انا Pathetic و عندي مشاكل و انت شايف انه كل الناس مشاكلها واحدة يبقا خلاص خف بضان و عيش حياتك مبسوط بعيد عني
thanks, anon
the same page we talking about here doesn't deserve to flipped through no more. It should be a known by that point. that this conflict is not Black and White anymore. there are many factions that we aren't aware of yet. yet we are too much of simpletons to see it.

It's like you were told the Myth but then the Myth spiraled out of control, diluting what's beyond the Good and Evil at this point. It's a headache to get through and I just wanna live away from this conflict fairly LIKE ANYONE ELSE. I deserve a normal life like anyone else here or there. It shouldn't be a fight. Because the rest didn't fight. Why am I subjecting to that fight?

I wanna have the goodies here. If i didn't find it here. I'll try find it somewhere else
somehow girls lean on me because I'm easier to talk to. (somehow). even though I'm known to be explicitly rude and unhinged. but for some reason I'm not taken that seriously because I also crack joke to ease the edge...so yeah

It's the power of connections my friend

>tiktok user
>Look in the mirror, bitch-tits. Did you hit puberty yet?


Stoics don't know what fun is, so why I should I take their advice on my life? to live to life the Big Rock "mewing and shit" (I dunno what does that mean, it's the new Gen Z lingu)

But... yeah. Life isn't lifting rocks only my friend.

Life is surreal, maybe systematically surreal. But it's surreal nevertheless.

I'm enjoying the "funni' elements out of it. But the bad unexplained acts and consequences also hurt like a bitch....
>>2469 (OP) 

فعلا الواحد تعب من الحكاية  دي 
احنا فعلا الاجانب واخدين وضعهم عننا كمصريين سواء فلسطينين او اي لاجئ 
وخلاص البلد ادمرت اجتماعيا واقتصاديا وتعليميا 
بقت shithole حرفيا 
انا بنام واصحي بحلم باليوم ال امشي فيه من ال shithole دي
Replies: >>2547 >>2557
eventually we will. Globalization is inevitable. The slum that I live in is filled like a pot of cultures. It makes you learn about stuff. But damn I wanna experience that kind of Globalization elsewhere. I mean I'm a walking Alien here already. I got no attachment to this land (as I said I got no family or assets) so I know I will feel homey somewhere else

من الاخر هتعامل. الوطنية و الحنين الى الماضي و الأرض و الوطن 
كل ده لا يعنيني بشئ

فهنحفرك لحد من نخلع من المخروبة عشان نعيش زي البشر
Replies: >>2549
بالظبط كده 
اصل بص شعب ابن متناكة 
مش زعلان لما اشوف خولات التيك توك بيقولو مش لاقيين ناكل 
هما دول نفس الشراميط ال طلعو رقصوا قدام اللجان عشان كرتونة و 500 جنيه 
انا كذا واحد قالي تعال نعمل مظاهرة 
بس اروح اعمل مظاهرة عشان ناس هي اصلا مش عايزة تتحرك  وخوافين 
اضيع مستقبلي عشان الناس دي مش معقول 
> الوطنية و الحنين الى الماضي و الأرض و الوطن 
مخلاص يا انون مبقاش في وطن  ولا وطنية
Replies: >>2555
كنت فاكر ان الثورة الجاية هبقتى ثورة جياع. بس لا ده مفيش خالص
وده بيخلي الواحد يتسائل ليه اصلا البلد مش ملكية دلوقتي؟ ليه الظابط الأحرار عملوا ثورة من الأول والناس مشيت وراهم حتى بعد هزايم عبد الناصر وقرارات السادات الغبية من بعده اللي تسببت في اغتياله. المصريين بقوا اغلبهم فقرا نيك والشعب متقسم طبقات.
1. الملك السيسي وحاشيته في اعلى الهرم
2. الجيش
3. المستفيدين والمستنفعين، رجال الأعمال وأولادهم واحفادهم، القضاء، الوزراء، مجالس النواب، المحافظين... الخ
4. المهاجر الشرموط اللي عايش بقاله سنين هنا بفلوسه زي ما بيقول، وقاعد يتمصلح على قفانا زي ما السودانيين الشراميط بيعملوا دلوقتي وياخدوا أدوية يودوها السودان ويخلصوها من السوق، وغيرهم طبعًا من الغزاوية والشوام والليبيين واليمنيين والعراقيين، وحتى في بعض الأحيان عدى عليا خلايجة كانوا متوسطين في بلدهم وجم هنا بقوا بشوات ومبسوطين
4. المصري الفقير الكحيان اللي بيمشي اليوم عشان يروح ينام وينسى اليوم باليوم اللي بعده
المصريين بيحبوا يتناكوا ومايستاهلوش الواحد يحارب عشانهم
صح 100/100
واكبر دليل علي كده 
لو حد منكو شاف امين شرطة بتاع اسكندرية 
لما طلع فوق لوحة الاعلانات وقال 
>السيسي خاين وعميل 
مفيش واحد متناك قرب منه وواقفين بيتفرجوا عليه لحد ما الامن قبضوا عليه ومفيش خول واحد قدر يتكلم 
>تعبت من ال باشوفه يارب اخلص واسافر بلا رجعة
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same fag, nice
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